Amy Myers is known for her short stories and historical novels featuring Victorian chef Auguste Didier and chimney sweep Tom Wasp. Her contemporary series feature ex-cop Peter Marsh and Daughter and classic car detective Jack Colby, and she is currently working on a new series starring Cara Shelley who runs a café in the grounds of stately home Tanton Towers.
The plot of Celia Walden’s thriller is expertly constructed. From the early chapters, its path ahead seems clear. Or is it? Perhaps it is, perhaps not, but the plot keeps you glued to it. Journalist and feature writer for the national press, this is Celia Walden’s second thriller.
Big business, family ties, sexual harassment – mix all the ingredients and the plot is underway. A man is found dying on a building site, impaled on railings. He’s Jamie Lawrence, one of three partners in the high-profile property dealership BWL. His partners are Jill and Paul, but it is Jamie, the golden boy, who is at its core. Charismatic Jamie, married to a wife he adores, Maya, has the magic touch in pulling deals off and in commanding a loyal admiring staff, especially the women.
That’s what it seems, but how much, if any of this, is what it seems? Alex, single mother and Jamie’s PA, sacked on a trumped-up charge and Nicole, married with a young daughter, have reason to think otherwise, both painfully aware of how Jamie treats women. And one night they tell his partner Jill. Something, they all agree, must be done. But what? And who should do it? And is the issue as straightforward as they first think? Is Jamie really a monster? Could they be wrong?
The path to the truth remains a puzzle to the end of this remarkable tour de force.